Brand Insights Onboarding

Please enter the name, phone number, and email address of the team members and customers we are to interview in the appropriate form below. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. Call 317-296-7314 or email Kyle at

Please provide contact information for the internal team members who are to be interviewed. Note that there is a button at the bottom of this form to upload your CSV file of the rest of your team’s email addresses to send them the online survey. Note that all information must be submitted in full before this phase of the interview and survey process can begin.

Your Company Info
Internal Interview #1
Internal Interview #2
Internal Interview #3
Internal Interview #4
Internal Interview #5
Internal Interview #6
Internal Interview #7
Internal Interview #8
Internal Interview #9
Internal Interview #10
Internal Interview #11
Internal Interview #12
Please upload a Microsoft Excel or CSV file with a full list of your internal email database for the online employee survey.

Before filling out the form, please be sure to get your customers’ consent for an interview. Click the button below to download an invitation letter for customers. At the bottom of this form, you will find a button to upload your CSV file of the rest of your customers for us to send them the online survey. Note that all information must be submitted in full before this phase of the interview and survey process can begin.

Your Company Info
Customer Interview #1
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #2
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #3
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #4
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #5
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #6
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #7
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #8
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #9
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #10
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #11
Is this a lost lead?
Customer Interview #12
Is this a lost lead?