You want to be sure you are doing more than just the minimum which, unfortunately, is what many deliver. Here are eight suggestions on how to show a deeper love for your customers and, in the process, enable you to stand out from your competition:
In our first post centered on Loving Your Customers, we shared nine foundational steps to showing your customers that you genuinely value, appreciate, and care about them.
These initial acts will take you beyond the sale and help you begin to establish trusting relationships with your customers. But don’t stop there, because they will not be enough to sustain for the long-term.
1. Promote a customer on your social media, case studies, or newsletter
- Featuring your customers and providing them with added, free exposure will go a long way in grabbing their attention and earning their loyalty.
2. Attend customers’ events
- Not all of your customers will host events, but when one does, attend if possible; your customer will appreciate that your interest in their business goes beyond merely receiving their checks.
3. Show thanks whenever it is possible and appropriate
- Many companies are so focused on trying to earn new business that they forget to nurture relationships with current customers; be certain that you make a point of showing gratitude for your customers frequently.
4. Be an expert
- Simply providing a product or service is not enough; go above and beyond by serving as an expert in what you do, so that your customers will keep coming back for more.
5. Get feedback from your customers
- Though you are an expert, never assume your advice is appreciated and embraced; be sure to get feedback so you know your solutions and service are aligned with your customers’ expectations, goals and aspirations.
6. Educate your customers
- Be seen as a trusted resource by telling your customers about trends, solutions, and events related to their industry; customers will genuinely appreciate that you are thinking of them and that you took the time to share information that may be valuable and important.
7. Do what you say you will do
- This should be a given. But, in reality, many lose customers, not because of poor products or service, but because they did not keep their commitments; whether it is in writing or verbally, your customers will love you more and more if you keep your promises.
8. Hire staff that understand and embrace superior customer service
- Believing in or claiming to have exceptional customer is not enough; if you want to continuously and consistently wow and delight your customers, show them love by having employees who really know what superior customer service is and how to deliver it every time.