Advantages of Outsourcing Your Marketing – Saving You Time and Money

Advantages of outsourcing your marketing? We get it. You might be skeptical of outsourcing for a number of reasons. But, if the term “outsourcing” makes your face scrunch up with negative connotations of un-American activity and job loss, let’s get a few things clear. First, outsourcing is not the same as offshoring, and many companies successfully outsource within the United States.

This is because they’ve realized the full advantages of outsourcing, which can really help business potential skyrocket. We’re going to show you how outsourcing is more like partnering with a really smart, savvy expert.

Don’t leave just yet – stay in with us and read on!Outsourcing Through Time

Think about how businesses have changed in just the past couple of decades.

No, we’re not blaming everything on social media and the idea of having to have everything now, now, now.

But we certainly have moved away from the 20th century model of business where everything was contained in one company and towards the realization of the advantages of outsourcing.

As businesses realized they didn’t want to be jacks of all trades and masters of none, they started to realize how ideal it would be to partner with organizations that were absolute experts in areas that they were lacking, or what the Washington Post called “rearranging where and how work is done.”

Advantages of Outsourcing: One for All

One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing is that you hire one company yet receive the benefits of all of the people working at that company.

Rather than you having to pay a graphic designer, content developer, inbound marketing specialist, workflow developer, and other marketing areas, you get everything in one package.

You’ll usually deal with just one person, the contact representative for the outsource organization, who will then serve as the funnel through which all of your requests go.

One person to deal with rather than many?

Sign us up!

Staying Up to Date

Because you have the team of outsourced personnel working for your goal, you also receive the benefit of all of their own industry expertise.

This means you don’t necessarily have to stay up on every new piece of graphics software, the latest social media platform, or code hacks.

The experts you outsource your work to take care of all this, as they need it for their jobs. You just get to reap all of what’s in their heads, without having to do all the research or footwork.

Content is King

There are tons of metrics that state you need one blog post a week to really capture your audience.

Or is it one a day?

Three a month?

Whatever you decide on, many business managers discover that major advantages of outsourcing include being able to dictate those needs and that schedule to their outsourced content marketing organization.

If it seems like multiple blogs, white papers, eBooks, infographics, slide decks, video clips, GIFs, and more would absolutely stretch your business beyond possibility, don’t worry.

Many other organizations feel the same and that’s why outsourcing becomes such a positive possibility.

Get Over the Overhead

One of the biggest advantages to outsourcing comes when you remove the people factor from the financial equation.

Don’t worry, we’re not implying that you outsource to actual robots!

Just that when you outsource, the responsibility of certain personnel elements is removed from what you have to deal with day to day.

Outsource your marketing and you will not have to:

  • Offer healthcare, retirement, and paid time off benefits
  • Provide logistics including seating accommodations, key cards, electronics, and office supplies
  • Update software
  • Manage payroll, worry about clocking in and out, missed time, or personnel issues

You can still enjoy all the many benefits of having a full, robust staff! We’re all for people power. But outsourcing lets you focus on the team members you most need most.

Shine That Spotlight Elsewhere

One of the major advantages of outsourcing is that you can then shine your efforts in a spotlight in other areas.

Think about where you’ve been lacking lately, or just haven’t had time to really develop efforts.

Have you focused on Facebook?

If you haven’t, you could really be missing out, to the tune of 50.3% of the population!

True, you may not even want to target even one percent of that group, but marketing on Facebook can give you some serious benefits, including:

  • The ability to nerd out with tracking, including conversions (how many people actually bought a product or service after clicking on your post), plus other fun and helpful analytics
  • Quantity AND quality, but not high prices. Facebook is pretty cheap compared to other venues, but you can still design really high-quality pieces of content and messaging. Plus, as we said, your target audience is potentially massive.
  • You can then trim that massive audience down by targeting specific groups, locations, demographics, etc. This is especially helpful if your product or service is restricted to a certain area, age, gender, etc.

What to Watch Out For

Before you get completely excited about the advantages of outsourcing, let’s just put a grain of salt into the mix.

Keep in mind that outsourcing means giving up control.

You will have to hand over a lot of decisions (sometimes, some of the most “fun” ones) and trust that the company you’ve chosen are able to carry out your goals.

Also, know that the people who work for the outsourcing organization are employees of THAT company.

They aren’t going to mix with your own workers and they may have an entirely different schedule, style of work, opinions on socialization, etc.

Also, don’t hesitate to really explore the company before you select one to receive outsource work. If you know, for example, your own team is weak on marketing essentials such as SEO (search engine optimization) or website analytics, make sure to ask whether the prospective company has individuals with skills in those areas on staff.

You could even create a “shopping list” of what you need so that you can be fully prepared to ask as you interview companies.

Check Your Sources

Ready to jump into the outsourcing trend?

Click here to send us a message, opening up the lines of communication. This is how your journey begins!