
Building a Lasting Brand

The Elusive Little Blue Box – 5 steps to building a lasting brand with your customers

When you see the Tiffany & Co. box, what do you think of? Quality, perfection, first class?

When I see that little blue box I think of determination, focus and a steadfast purpose for the brand. That little blue box has surpassed the job of holding jewelry and has become an icon of wealth, success and prosperity for the Tiffany & Company.

So how does that happen? How is a company able to build a brand, not around their product, but around the box that holds the product?

In this particular case I attribute their brand success to a consistent focus on message, identity and customer. Tiffany & Co. doesn’t try to be all things to all people. They are laser focused on who they are as well as who their customer is and what their customer wants from them.

Building a brand is just like building a reputation in that you need to prove yourself again and again in order for people to put their trust in you and become loyal to your brand. This holds true for individuals, small companies, and even the largest, most trusted brands, such as Kraft Food, Disney and, yes, even Tiffany & Co.

So how about your company brand? Are you building the right reputation with your ideal customers?

Brands aren’t built overnight. If you are truly interested in building lasting relationships with your customers, be prepared to commit to the long-term, stay focused, and not give up.

With that in mind, here are 5 steps to get started in building your brand:

1. Be specific

Know what your brand (company) stands for, and know what your brand (company) promises. Your brand promise should be precise and attainable, and you should be able to communicate it clearly. For example, don’t just say your brand stands for quality. That’s a broad statement that any individual or company can make. How does your brand specifically live and breathe quality? Those specifics are what will make your brand stand out from your competition.

2. Be bold

Once you know what your brand stands for and promises, don’t be afraid to shout it boldly. You need to make everyone else believe you’re the leader and authority in your area of expertise and specialization. Don’t meekly communicate your message. Say it with powerful words and conviction.

3. Be consistent

Get your brand message out there and don’t waiver on it. I’ve read statistics in the past that state as soon as you’re tired of your message, your customers are just starting to recognize it. Commit to your brand message. A consistent message and customer experience are critical elements to building your brand.

4. Be honest

People welcome honesty and transparency, and your business will be rewarded for it. Don’t offer something you can’t deliver. Don’t try to be all things for all people but rather focus on the key products and services your company can execute well and deliver on your promises. Integrity goes a long way.

5. Be relentless

Get your brand message out there. Then get it out again and again and again. People are inundated with a plethora of messages each day. It’s not only critical that you try to stand out from the competition. It’s equally important that you are not forgotten. Don’t drop the ball on communicating your brand promise and building your brand image. Your efforts will be rewarded in time.

Now, take these 5 steps and start applying them to your business today, and build a brand that lasts!